Monday, September 26, 2011

Analyizing Visual Rhetoric

The ongoing armed conflict of the Mexican Drug War is taking place in order for drug trafficking operations to occur. These drug cartels have been fighting each other for regional control, and over the years, have only become more powerful in their purpose. The war has been raging across the Mexican-American border, and among this border, several dead bodies have been found due to rivals between gang leaders (occurring during a fight for territory).

This photograph taken by Guadalupe Perez shows the dead body of a woman, assuming she was killed during a drug cartel dispute. The red shirt she is wearing depicts the severity of the situation, it shows the number of people like this woman who have engaged in blood-shed and were not successful. The scarlet color also symbolizes a feeling of passion and strong emotions towards the Mexican Drug War; feelings of discontent from the American government. As well as passion, it also symbolizes sinfulness and sacrifice. It is almost a guilt-trip placed on those drug cartels to show them what their disputes have come to and the consequences of their actions. Right in front of the camera, a gold fence is shown that is quite transparent, but still clearly visible. This shows the viewer that there are two opposing viewpoints when it comes to this matter and that America may not be encouraging this war, but that since it is visible to them, they should take more effective approaches to stop such a raging war. The man wearing all black is a symbol of death and destruction, being parallel to the death and destruction these disputes have caused people.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Columnist Ahoy!

Mercury News has their own opinions about the aftermath of September 11th. They believe that this memorable date has cut into our lives severely and that such behavior must end. Their reasons include that too much money has been spent on unnecessary precautions after the event and that funds have been cut down to so little in certain areas that is in fact necessary (school, transportation, health, etc.). Mercury News is asking readers if these precautions are affective in any way. America needs to realize that dwelling over a topic as such will not change the past, but only prevent the country from moving on and creating a new positive outlook.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

News You Can Use

On September 11, 2011, thousands of families' day was centered around visiting Ground Zero. Families crouched to see the names of their beloved friends and family members that were etched around the bronze parapets. To most, this day is still vivid and continues to haunt and follow them. Concerts, sporting events and public forums have all dedicated their purposes to this purpose to commemorate 9/11.