Monday, November 7, 2011

Differing Perspectives- Military Women and Abortion Synthesis

During this ongoing controversy, several columnist depict different scenarios to justify their opinions on whether the U.S. Department of Defense should cover the costs of abortions for women serving in the military. The majority of the editorials I found believed that Congress should allow women to have their expenses covered, especially in the case of rape (incest is less frequent when overseas). Although I understand the opposing viewpoint, the case in which Post-traumatic stress disorder results as an outcome in the emotional procedure (affecting how a woman in the military completes her given tasks at work), I disagree with columnists, such as Jody Duffy. It's simply irrational to completely deny a military servicewomen the right to this procedure, which is what military hospitals must abide to currently. Even if the woman is willing to cover the entire cost of the abortion, the U.S. Department of Defense even denies her this, which American Civil Liberties Union states in their editorial, making military hospitals a burden and feelings of resentment begin to show, which does not benefit the military in any way. I believe that it is unfair to make a woman who is serving our country and risking her life choose between traveling far and costly distances towards an American (non-military) clinic or to a back-alley clinic who 70% of the time result in an unsanitary procedure which the Sun Times stresses as well. A woman who is protecting hundreds of people a day deserves that same protection from the U.S. Department of Defense.


  1. Nikita:
    Your opinion is a clear one on this important topic; where are the authored names to any of your sources? By synthesizing your own voice with others, your own view will gain credibility.


    Mr. Heller

  2. Sahil:
    Have you begun monitoring a single columnist?


    Mr. Heller
